Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Growing bigger and stronger

Sorry, no pictures today but a progress report is a good thing. Felicity and Ellie (Elana) are growing and thriving. They eat cat food now and Felicity even eats dry food. They are cuddly and loving and purr at the slightest touch. They use the litter box! They have been promoted to the BIG kitten room where they will have room to romp and play.
Meanwhile..........it's kitten season and the kitten nursery has new occupants. They were born yesterday and their mama is sneezing so I don't know how they'll do but I'll give them all I can to help them grow and thrive. Mama Lilac is very protective, I hope that means she'll be a good mama and raise healthy babies. I left them alone to settle in.


Lauren Kelly said...

ahhhh! yay!
any chance that i'll be able to get a sneak peak at the kittens before they're available at the shelter?
i'd love to meet them and make my decision before they're up for adoption (sometimes kitties aren't themselves their first day in the shelter and their new environment...)

and new kitties?! how exciting! i can't wait to see pictures of them all =)

HoosierKitty said...

You get first peek! I hope to get them back tonight and would be willing to bring them for you to meet them. I'm looking forward to meeting them again.....two weeks makes such a difference.

Lauren said...

i would LOVE to meet them tonight!
(or whenever you have available!)

we can meet up anywhere, i can go to your house, whatever you'd like.

just let me know what works best for you--i will be checking back here often! =)

HoosierKitty said...

Sorry, slight delay. I don't have Felicity and Ellie yet. Lilac is not eating and has the usual respiratory infection so the girls are staying safely at Nancy's until we get things settled. We're moving Lilac and crew tonight but it will be next week before we feel it is safe to bring the little girls home. This is killing me! I'm losing time with my girls. Shouldn't have taken in another group.

Lauren said...

OH-i totally understand.
you wouldn't want the girls to catch what lilac has!
let's hope that lilac feels better and the time passes quickly so the girls can come back! (and that lilac's little ones don't come down with her URI...)

can't wait to meet the girls--just let me know when they're back and what will work for you!