Monday, February 25, 2008

What do quilts have to do with it???

This quilt will be sold as part of Creature Comforts, the money will go to animal rescue groups.
The house quilt is on the wall of a new spay/neuter clinic in Cloverdale. The SPOT clinic (stop pet overpopulation today) considers it a mission statement quilt. Note that ALL the animals have homes!

Making friends with the big cats

Oliver has discovered the joys of sleeping in a pile of cats. Kittens usually sleep this way but he has been alone without buddies to snuggle with.
He's been to the clinic to be neutered and he's now listed on Petfinder so hopefully he'll find a great home. While he waits he'll have sweet dreams.

Monday, February 11, 2008


Oliver was only a little over 1 pound when he came to HoosierKitty land. Just the size of a small shoe. Now he's almost 2 pounds and living it up with the other cats. He loves to chase the big cats from room to room and then he snuggles in the cat quilts. He'll be adoptable soon, he'd love to be your kitty.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Potter Pics

Snuggly Hagrid and Luna

Hermione was a smart kitten. I'm sure she's running someone's home now.

Minnie was a great mom.

Home for Christmas - The Potters


Six darling kittens spent October - December growing big and adoptable. After they were neutered they were in great demand since there aren't lots of little kittens at Christmastime.

We named them Hagrid, Minerva, Sirius Black, Ginny Weasley, Luna, and Hermione.