Thursday, October 8, 2009

You snooze, you lose

Serendipity was at work on Monday. I heard there was a family looking for a kitten and minutes later they called. Since I had the whole gang at SPOT they came to visit kittens. The bigger kittens were there to be neutered. The smaller ones only got vaccines. The little boy who was picking out a kitten wanted one of the orange boys and Tucker was wide awake. Ramsey was still sleepy after his surgery. So Tucker was the chosen one. He still needs to get bigger and have his surgery but it is wonderful to know that he'll have a happy home. Ramsey and Opie will star at Adorable Adoptables at the library on Saturday so maybe they'll win someone's heart there. Sweet mama Jackie is also looking for a home. She's sweet and lovable and very attractive with her orange and black face.

1 comment:

TemporaryLibrarian said...

I thought Serendipity was the name of a cat..."at work on Monday".