Friday, September 19, 2008


Ahoy there! It's Talk like a Pirate Day! The tabby boys are definitely pirates. They can swarm all over anything including a ship in the blink of an eye. They have taken on the name works for all four. That makes it much easier to talk to them, no worry about identity. Max you stop it right now!! Max don't bite your brother Max. Oh Max what a sweet and cuddly boy you are. The pirates and their hostage mamas will be moving on soon to seek their fortunes. Happy Landings boys!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Kittens Stole My Keys!

Uh oh, HoosierKitty, I think the boys are trying to tell us that they're ready for their driver's licenses!

The Kitties Play While HoosierKitty is Away!

Everyone misses HoosierKitty, but they're putting on brave faces for the camera!
Here Miss Peggy strikes a pose...

Cassandra looks as demure as ever...

and Chester is always ready for his close-up!

The boys want to know...when is HoosierKitty coming home??

And I think that Peru is expecting a souvenir!